Come Back!

Hello people. Well now I promise more activity in this blog, I’m back in game development  after a really good rest of 6 months, after of the release of my First game Infernal Underground, even getting more coverage that I really expected on him. Infernal...

Hard Decisions and new ways

Well I guess I’m using this make so philosophical debate about the life and about my way to be a Game Designer, a successfully one, be recognized and work in a excelent company, well whatever… I’m afraid right now, I’m scared about this...

Why should? Why Shouldn’t?

Well I guess I’m gonna talk something personal with whoever will read this… and also I’ll make my own conclusions for myself… If you are noticed, Rather than dealing with unsavory characters every time you need to replenish your supply, you can...

Game Developers needs money

Okay I guess someone who read the title will make a sarcasm about them, anyway I guess I’m really fucked up for to say it and I really want to do it right now, even if someone don’t share my opinion. When I begun in game development two years ago (okay...